DocsEngine for Pensions Update Released

New DocsEngine for Pensions Update Released Today
Today we posted updated content into the DocsEngine system that makes changes to certain PPA DC plan and EGTRRA DB plan templates to reflect the re-titling of our plans into the Document Agility Inc name. For more details on the re-titling of our plans, see our earlier news article. As with all DocsEngine for Pensions updates, there is no need for you to take any actions to install or download the update. You will be using the new updated content when you next log in to the system to create a plan.
What is New in this Release?
1. The following plan documents are re-titled to use Document Agility as the pre-approved sponsor (applies only if your firm has not adopted the plan as a Word-for-Word Adopter):
- PPA NS Proto 401(k) - PPA NS Proto Profit Sharing - PPA NS Proto Money Purchase - PPA Volume DC (Adoption Agreement) - PPA Volume DC (Contract) - EGTRRA Defined Benefit
2. The 5307 IRS Submission Forms have been temporarily removed from the PPA Volume DC Contract Plan and will be re-added when the next DC Restatement Period opens. Generally, the need for submitting plans for an individual determination is related to requests for minor language deviations, and AccuDraft is now handling these requests by working directly with a plan provider to get the requested language modifications and create the required pre-approved sponsor certification. 3. The Plan Modifications library item has been removed from the PPA Volume Adoption Agreement Plan folder, because, as described above, AccuDraft has changed its process for indicating plan language modifications to our Volume Submitter plans. AccuDraft is now handling these requests by working directly with a plan provider to get the requested language modifications and create the required pre-approved sponsor certification. If you have a modification request, please contact AccuDraft support at 877-346-5994 or
Have a Question or Need Information?
As always, if you have any questions on this new update, feel free to contact us at 877-346-5994 or