PPA Defined Benefit Training Webinar

Document Agility, Inc. is pleased announce that on January 15, 2019, we will be hosting a 60-minute review of our Defined Benefit Volume Submitter Plan approved for The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA).
What will be Covered
This informative webinar will cover topics including:
New provisions and capabilities in the PPA document
New questions in the interview
New structure and design approaches for PPA
Cash Balance provisions
Common questions we hear from clients
Registration and Questions
To reserve your spot, or if you have specific topics or questions you would like us to cover, please email Nadine Dandorf at nadine.dandorf@documentagility.com as soon as possible. Specific log in credentials and the time of the meeting will be sent as we get closer to the date.
Hope to see you there.